
Saturday, March 14, 2009


for the greatest

i love this font. nobody will know what exactly i am writing about.

yesterday was effing crazy. i know i am not under some effing stress or anything. i just know it. but why did i break down? some more in front of a teacher. then the teacher thot i'm under stress and bottle things up. hello!!!! i'm seriously not lah. but i also dont know why i cry leh. some more cannot stop. since when, i've become a weakling. in primary school, i never cried before. honest! sigh. dont want to think about it anymore. i think i'm weird. i dont even know myself. haha.

i failed my indices test. eff it lah. i seriously dont know how to do. but it's maths, i have to buck up sia. maths... i must get A1. i cannot let maths down.

ballet's exam's coming. wednesday have some seriously stooooopid guides test. I'M GOING TO LEAVE HALF WAY. i dont really care if i'm going to fail it or what. guides is not even my priority. BALLET IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT. SUPER JUNIOR IS ALSO WAY MORE IMPORTANT. i should have joined some cca that either involves some movement or really low attendance. btw,why they made cca so important? sorry but FUCK MOE. everybody, i love ballet. when i get into grade 8, it's POINTE TIMEEEEEEE! YAY FOR ME! when i am really really good, i will join std. so HWAITING~~

it's the holidays~~~~~~
today is the gb girls drill comp. i'm so jealous of them cuz they love their cca so much. i really respect them and hope they get gold. they really put in a lot of effort.

junior got fever and tmr she's going overseas. i really hope she's alright. ^^ she's the zangggggggg~~~ <3

why cant keepvid work?! sadededededededed. D:

jellyfish asked. i predicted it. but i do not like him. i just think he's nomu kyopta. haha. his tiny ass~~~

i hope first may come faster.

i hope i can get hold of 3jib faster.

i think people thinks i'm weirddddd.

omg-ing is so nice.

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