
Sunday, March 02, 2008


nicole kidman has a kid man!

hahahahahahhahahaha. okay. that's a very very old joke.
can you believe i havent even count my angpow money yet?!
this show how fucking busy i am. busy sleeping, of course.
just for my record: i slept at 8.15pm on friday, feb 29 2008 with undigested pizza in my stomach, wet hair and fry throat till 10.05am on saturday, march 1st which happens to be denise bd.
happy birthday, girl. (:

what is fucking wrong with the weather?! it's good right now. but it's so bloody hot the past few days. i think i might die of heat stroke. luckily, it rains today. (: and so many people are sick. me too. i almost lost my voice this morning. anwayz, 6 people were absent on thursday. and one by one, people fell sick, for those that i know. i hope everyone can overcome this epidemic. maybe school should just close down like what happen during sars. but i wont do any stupid elearning cuz it's stupidly pathetic. i will just say too bad, my hand is aching, cannot type.

i and some other girls are sent to this camp galore thing. we had to come back during march hols. what the shit?! siao ah?! are you insane?! i just hope we didnt qualify for final so that i can have my june hols back. cuz we only go for the camp galore thingo if we are qualified which is we must do a good job during march hols constructing a stupid hanger with satay sticks.(wth.) and we had to measure and cut the pokey part some more. hell. damn.

reading curious incident of the dog in the night time. it's a very interesting book. (: and it tells that metaphor is actually a metaphor. if you know what i mean. cuz in greek, it means carry over, transfer. but everyone knows metaphor is a short phrase to describe smth. so a metaphor is a metaphor. geddit?

my current idol: Baek Hye Rin(: 9yo.
actually no. but she's good right?! *woots*
presenting you....

they are damn good, right?! both are 13 at that time sia. now they are like 16/17 if i am not wrong. lee min young is the black shirt. she is debuting in us under lil jon and jyp. hyo yeon is the yellow shirt who is in girls generation now. anwayz, they dance best in this vid. somehow they decline. ): but LMY...

nice, right?! (:

*everyone nodding head.*

note to self: buck up manxz, you cant let yourself seeing "people" soaring. be the one admired and not the one admiring. be the one envied and not the one envying.

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